Who We Are Starts with Why

Consciously Clean came out of my desire to combine my study and love of mindfulness, creativity and beauty into the most treaded places in people’s lives. To bring my love of supporting others in their efforts to build a life with spaces that feel productive, safe and grounded. To utilize my own experiences to help support a team of dedicated and diligent staff that understand how they show up and the effort they put in will effect every corner of their life.

It is often said how you do one thing is how you do everything. That can be said for the jobs we choose, the friends we surround ourselves with and the way we choose to spend our time. It is also often reflected in the state of our living and working environments.

When we are overwhelmed, running towards deadlines, taking care of others and generally wrapped up in the business of living the edges of our lives can become frayed. Our self care and environments can suffer and before we know it everything we do becomes stressful and unorganized.

When I could tell my job in tech was either coming to a close or becoming more frayed and exhausting after several rounds of layoffs, I knew a change was on the horizon. My attempts at applying and interviewing for a new job in tech was becoming its own disheartening process.

So I chose to make a large pivot back into residential and commercial cleaning which I had done part-time and then full time when Covid hit. Overall, I ended up professionally cleaning for an eco cleaning company for nearly 5 years that gave me a great base of understanding.

When I launched Consciously Clean, I chose to believe that creating a sustainable future is possible.

I chose to believe that I could build something that could support my family and help create beautiful spaces for families and businesses.

I chose to believe that I could build a business that would give my employees a sense of pride and income that would allow them to care for their families as well.

I look forward to connecting with you!


Jessy Napier, Owner

  • Owner

    With a myriad of experiences from social worker, therapist, yoga teacher, musician/songwriter, business owner, single mom and non profit sales consultant, Jessy approaches everything she does with grace and compassion.

    Favorite quote: “Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.”

    ~Thitch Nhat Hanh